Hello and welcome!
As a scientist and beekeeper I have gained over the years a deeper understanding and appreciation of bees and the role they play in our ecosystems and human lives. Our relationship with honey bees is 40,000 years old, yet there is still so much that we do not know and understand about them. In this blog, I am happy to share with you my understanding of the litterature on honey bees, their behaviour and their needs to thrive and be healthy. I will also be publishing articles and tips on beekeeping and effective natural and organic methods to care for bees as a resource to beginner and experienced beekeepers.

Flowers and Bees: A Story of Chemistry and Attraction
I am in charge of maintaining 14 research beehives based at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, home to 8000 plant species from all over the world. In summer, the Botanic Garden research plot is surrounded by a wild meadow. All flowers pop almost at the same time around mid-June to create a small prairie, with splashes of white dotted by blues, yellows, and little freckles of red. On a summer evening, just after finishing my weekly beekeeping visit, I wandered through the meadow. Hundreds of honeybees and wild bees were busying, flying from one flower to the next, and rushing to get as much pollen and nectar as possible for their last foraging trips. Without flowers bees would not exist; and without bees, flowers would not have evolved into the wide diversity of colours and shapes I was observing in the meadow. This post relates the fascinating story of evolution between bees and flowers.

Choosing my first beekeeping suit
The first equipment that you will need as a new beekeeper is a beekeeping suit. The ideal protection clothing should be comfortable to wear, give you great visibility and enough protection to feel safe and confident around your bees. In this post, you will find the different types of beekeeping clothing with their pros and cons. We will also give you tips to help you choose your perfect beekeeping suit.

Beekeeping and dealing with bee stings
One of the first questions novice beekeepers ask is: Will I get stung by my bees? It is a worry that can discourage many from starting beekeeping. However, with good practice, this unfortunate event will only happen at most a few times per year. In fact, it is not unusual to find experienced beekeepers who have not been stung once.
This post will explain why bees sting, how to react when they do and how to minimise the chances of getting stung.